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Courses and Course Description/Syllabus
(click on the course name for full syllabus)
Orientation to Anti-Money Laundering (pre-requisite)

This course demonstrates the basics of AML/ATF awareness. The course describes money laundering and terrorist financing and AML requirements under the legislation. An introduction is provided on how to identify money laundering risks, your personal responsibilities and the person to whom you should report any suspicious activities.This is a prerequisite for other Programme courses.

Risk Based Assessment

This course introduces a risk-based approach to AML/ATF. Four risk filters are identified as customer, delivery method/ interface, products and services and geographic risk. High risk areas are highlighted in respect to account opening and transaction activity. This course is a starting point in the Programme to identify and manage risks. It is recommended to take this course after the Orientation Course.

Customer Due Diligence

Knowing Your Customer is the best defence against money laundering and terrorist financing activities. The Due Diligence process is outlined to identify and verify all relationships the financial institution is involved in. The process for verifying source of funds is also introduced. It is recommended that this course be taken after the Risk Based Assessment course.

Monitoring and Reporting

The course introduces regulations for monitoring and reporting unusual or suspicious transactions. Methods of how to detect and report unusual and suspicious transactions are demonstrated. Recordkeeping and retention requirements are highlighted. It is recommended that this course be taken after the Customer Due Diligence course.

Governance and Oversight

This course provides Senior Managers, Directors and Officers with best practice governance and oversight knowledge to enable compliance with country specific Anti-Money Laundering legislation, and to protect against the threat of money laundering and terrorist financing. This course is designed for senior managers and officers. It is recommended to be taken after the Orientation course.